The story of Candlestone and Water Tower Grille begins when a group of local businessmen envisioned a restaurant and hotel in a picturesque setting that was once an apple orchard. In 1972 the dream became a reality. A beautiful dining room with a glass wall overlooking the orchard, complete with cascading water fountain and sunken bar were constructed along with a spacious, 25 room hotel. The view was impressive, the food and service wonderful, but this was only the beginning…
Candlestone's golf course was opened a few years later and designer Bruce Matthews considered Candlestone to be one of his best designs. The majestic pines and rolling hills that stood behind the orchard proved to be a hidden treasure of beautiful fairways, lush greens and challenging obstacles. Years later, Candlestone has come to be known as one of West Michigan's toughest and most beautiful golf courses.
In 2008, current owners Catherine Farr and Steven Leach purchased Candlestone and we set about remodeling the restaurant, hotel and golf course. Although many years had passed, the foundations set by our predecessors led us to the job at hand. We immediately completely remodeled and renamed the restaurant The Water Tower Grille. The hotel rooms were updated and the golf course was expanded and improved, honoring Mr. Matthews original design.
Although the original founders of Candlestone have progressed to other endeavors, their dream lives on. The water fountain has long since been removed and the sunken bar, restaurant and hotel rooms have been remodeled. However the impressive view remains and our commitment to customer satisfaction is still the number one priority at Candlestone and Water Tower Grille.
We have dedicated ourselves to providing you with an enjoyable, casual atmosphere: delicious, quality food and top-notch service. We truly hope that you will stop by and stay a while.
The team dedicated to providing you a great experience